330 Alhambra Circle

Coral Gables, FL 33134

633 S. Andrews Avenue Suite 400
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301

(305) 446-5700

(954) 323-4400

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BREAKING: Young Father Killed Outside Strip Club

According to local media outlets in Miami, the Broward Sheriff’s Office responded to a report of a man shot around 4:15 a.m. Wednesday, near the 2800 block of W. Broward Blvd. at Club Pink South. 21-year-old Wendell Soliphar, who recently moved to the United States from the Bahamas, was leaving the club when he was shot and killed. A family member told CBS Miami that he believes Wendell was in the wrong place at the wrong time. The victim leaves behind an 8-year-old daughter.

Initial reports lay out some similarities between this case and a negligent security case litigated by The Haggard Law Firm a decade ago.

Continue reading “BREAKING: Young Father Killed Outside Strip Club”

Pregnant Woman Runs Over Suspected Purse Thief in Walmart Parking Lot

A pregnant woman was caught on video running down on alleged purse snatcher with her SUV in a Walmart parking lot in North Carolina. Christine Braswell, 26, told local media that she found the man rummaging through her SUV  before he took off running with her purse. The suspect, Robert Raines, who was taken to a hospital with minor injuries, was charged with felony breaking and entering, larceny and misdemeanor damage to property.

Watch Video of Ashville North Carolina Incident: https://youtu.be/v4umzNJIqMk  

Haggard Law Attorney Christopher Marlowe says this incident is another reminder that Walmart is yet to truly commit to addressing its well-reported security issues. “Walmart parking lots remain hot spots for violence and mayhem.  This most recent event caught on camera in Asheville, North Carolina demonstrates how quickly a “nonviolent” crime can become a matter of life or death” says Marlowe, who was quoted in a Bloomberg Businessweek investigation earlier this year on Walmart’s consistent security issues (click to read).

He adds, “When auto burglary, theft and other ‘petty’ crimes are allowed to flourish in the vast concrete expanses that Walmart uses everywhere as its parking lots, more of the same will follow.  Either meaningful security is there to protect customers, or dangerous encounters like this will remain the status quo.”

For her part, Braswell was charged with misdemeanor assault with a deadly weapon.

Click to read article by Christopher Marlowe and Published in the Daily Business Review on WalMart Security Concerns as Published


10 People Shot, 4 Killed in Jacksonville Over the Weekend

The Memorial Day Weekend was marred by violence in Jacksonville. 14 people were shot, 4 of those died in 9 separate incidents of violence during the 3-day span.

Several of the shootings occurred at apartment complexes in the area. Todd Michaels of The Haggard Law Firm, which represents several victims of previous violence at the Eureka Gardens Apartments (click for more details), says many of the weekend shootings are a result of irresponsible property ownership.

Continue reading “10 People Shot, 4 Killed in Jacksonville Over the Weekend”

Searching For A Killer: Cold Case Help Needed

Earlier today, NBC South Florida visited The Haggard Law Firm to speak with the family members of Danny Fundora who was killed in early 2013. The person or people who took his life have not been caught. We hope the upcoming story by NBC will draw new attention to the murder case.  The Haggard Law Firm represents the Fundora family in a negligent security lawsuit against the supermarket where Danny was killed. The business did not take the security measures needed to stop the horrible incident.

Our Todd Michaels commented on the case and search for Fundora’s killer  today:

Continue reading “Searching For A Killer: Cold Case Help Needed”

St. Patrick’s Day Events, Safety and Security

On holidays like St. Patrick’s Day, bars and restaurants expecting large crowds should prepare for it with more than just an increase in service staff, food and alcohol. Those good times expected by the patrons can turn tragic if  increased safety and security measures by these businesses are not taken. From who they allow to enter their business, to who is allowed to stay, and an awareness when someone has been over served, a security and safety plan should be in place.

The Haggard Law Firm’s Managing Partner Michael Haggard says there is nothing more enjoyable than a big event or block party where a community can celebrate a holiday like St Patrick’s Day or New Years Eve.  However, the bars, shopping centers or establishments hosting these “events” have to plan for security just as they plan the event.  More people, more alcohol and more utilized space bring additional risks that can prove catastrophic in today’s sometime violent world.  Security needs must be planned, scheduled and executed in order to meet these additional risks associated with these bigger events.”


The Haggard Law Firm has litigated several Liquor/Bar Liability or ‘Dram Shop’ cases where the business owners/management neglected to take the necessary steps to keep their patrons safe.

Two Haggard Law Firm case examples:

$1.3 million – Settlement (Pensacola, Florida) – Liquor/Bar Liability
Mr. Marshall and Ms. Robinson were out for a birthday celebration. After drinking for several hours at both the Red Baron Lounge and Gene’s Lounge, both persons were asked to leave after a verbal altercation and proceeded to drive off in Ms. Robinson’s car. No effort was made by Gene’s Lounge to call a cab or make any alternate transportation arrangement. Ms. Robinson proceeded to drive off the roadway and strike a tree, partially ejecting Mr. Marshall, and leaving him a quadriplegic with both legs amputated. He was also rendered completely blind after encountering corrective surgery complications. Both Gene’s Lounge and Red Baron Lounge knew of Ms. Robinson’s alcoholism, but purposefully continued to serve her alcohol with disregard to the possible consequences of their actions. The case was settled for total policy limits.
$500,000 – Settlement (Fort Lauderdale, Florida) – Liquor/Bar Liability
Sherry Ann Trosper was habitually addicted to alcohol based on the parameters of Florida’s “dram shop” statutes. At 3:00 AM Sherry Ann Trosper, totally intoxicated, left Gaby’s Lounge and in attempting to walk across a multi-lane street, was struck by a vehicle suffering permanent injuries. Gaby’s Lounge knew or should have known that the quantity of alcohol served to Sherry Ann Trosper would render her intoxicated and incapacitated, and purposefully served her this quantity of alcohol. Gaby’s Lounge either intended to get her intoxicated, or did so with reckless disregard and conscious indifference to the consequences, so as to be the equivalent of intentional misconduct.

Michaels Guest Speaker at BCTLA Event

The Haggard Law Firm’s Todd Michaels will be the featured Guest Speaker for the upcoming Broward County Trial Lawyers Association scheduled for Tuesday, April 4th. Michaels’ topic of discussion “Trying Negligent Security Cases in Florida”.

Continue reading “Michaels Guest Speaker at BCTLA Event”

VIDEO: Negligent Security & Mass Shootings


Has the increased number of mass shootings and victims of these tragedies changed what should be considered adequate security for businesses and properties where large groups of people commonly gather?

Our Michael Haggard discusses the topic in our latest HLF TV installment.


Haggard Law Firm CLE Event

On Thursday, April 27TH, The Haggard Law Firm will host Winning Case Strategies in Premises LiabilityThe free seminar, for CLE Credit, will be held at the Hyatt in Coral Gables, Florida.

Please RSVP by contacting Susie Acosta at 305.446.5700 or emailing sacosta@haggardlawfirm.com by April 20th. There is limited space available.

Continue reading “Haggard Law Firm CLE Event”

VIDEO: The Role of Foreseeability in Negligent Security

The cornerstone of solidifying a negligent security case for a personal injury attorney is proving foreseeability of crime. Michael Haggard of the Haggard Law Firm discusses in this video.


Four Lawsuits Against Jacksonville Apartments Draws Media Coverage



The Haggard Law Firm is currently litigating four cases against the Eureka Gardens Apartments in Jacksonville. The negligent security cases involve two victims of a 2016 mass shooting, the 2014 murder of a 15-year-old and a 2014 murder of a 22-year-old father.

Yesterday, The Haggard Law Firm’s Douglas McCarron and Jason Brenner were joined for a press conference in Jacksonville by the mass shooting victims and the families of the young men killed.  The focus of the message was to plead for change at Eureka Gardens to help stop the continued violence while reminding all property owners they have a responsibility to invest in the proper security of the residents and guests that visit a property, no matter where it is.

Continue reading “Four Lawsuits Against Jacksonville Apartments Draws Media Coverage”