330 Alhambra Circle

Coral Gables, FL 33134

633 S. Andrews Avenue Suite 400
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301

(305) 446-5700

(954) 323-4400

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Press Conference Regarding Parkland Shooting


Attorneys Representing Parkland Shooting Victims’ Families To Hold Media Conference, Will Be Joined by Parents of Shooting Victim Joaquin Oliver


Ft. Lauderdale, FL – In response to court records that indicate the Broward County School Board aims to minimize its responsibility in the shooting deaths of 17 people at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland Florida February 14th, a press conference will be held on Friday, April 27th, 2018 at 10:30 am outside the Broward County School Board building.


According to the South Florida Sun-Sentinel (click to review article ), court records show that The School Board “is portraying the mass murder as one incident with many victims.” Michael Haggard and Todd Michaels of The Haggard Law Firm, which represents the families of two victims, will be joined by 17-year-old victim Joaquin Oliver’s parents Manuel and Patricia.


Trial attorney Michael Haggard of The Haggard Law Firm says “the school board is watching its financial best interest instead of that of the families it has publicly claimed it would continuously support.” Haggard, whose law firm represents the Oliver family in this case, adds “The School Board should be ashamed. Each of these families are suffering. We have successfully litigated against School Boards in the past and will take this matter to Tallahassee if needed.”


The Haggard Law Firm represented the family of Juan Carlos Rivera, who was stabbed to death at Coral Gables High School in September of 2009. In that case, Haggard filed a claims bill in the State Legislature to finalize the $1,875,000 settlement agreed upon with the Miami-Dade County School Board.


Media Conference Details


Haggard Law Firm and Negligent Security Cases

The Haggard Law Firm has litigated nearly 200 cases involving the failure to provide adequate security resulting in the victim suffering severe injuries and/or death. Since 2007,  The Firm has handled over 175 negligent security cases and delivered over $400million in verdicts and settlements in those cases.


Establishments such as bars, restaurants, flea markets, shopping centers, nursing homes, banks, hotels and apartment buildings have all been subjects of successfully litigated negligent security claims. By representing individuals permanently injured in cases stemming from negligent security, we take an active role in making the community safe for the public.


In 2017 and 2016 TopVerdict named two different Haggard Law Firm cases as the #1 inadequate security (negligent security) verdicts in Florida each respective year.

Learn more about Haggard Law negligent security – inadequate security cases, click here


$907K Verdict in Waffle House Parking Lot Beating Case

Late Friday, a Ft. Myers jury awarded long haul trucker Steve Long $907, 211 for the injuries he sustained from a 2014 beating by several people in the parking lot of a Waffle House.

The Haggard Law Firm’s Todd Michaels co-counseled the negligent security case along with Dave Mishael of the Law Offices of David B. Mishael and Steven N. Kassner  of Steven N. Kassner, PA.

The team of attorneys explained to the jury that for the 3 years before Long was attacked on April 19, 2014, , there were 24 significant crimes committed on the property. Those crimes included multiple fights (one involving nearly 100 people) and three incidents involving gun shots.

Haggard Law’s Todd Michaels explains “all of the crime and danger occurred in the 3rd shift, nonetheless, there was nothing done about it, IE: no security in the parking lot, no outside security cameras, poor lighting and no manned security.” 


 (Scroll down to watch video RE: importance of Foreseeability in Negligent Security Cases)

Continue reading “$907K Verdict in Waffle House Parking Lot Beating Case”

Haggards Part of Legal Organization Supporting Assault Weapons Ban


The International Academy of Trial Lawyers has announced it is supporting assault weapons. The Haggard Law Firm’s Managing Partner Michael Haggard and Senior Partner Andy Haggard are both members of this renowned legal organization. Michael is currently on the Board of Directors and Admissions Committee Board Member.

IATL is an international legal association both in spirit and membership. The Academy limits Fellowship to 500 active trial lawyers from the United States and includes over 150 Fellows from nearly 40 countries across the globe.

Fellowship in the Academy is by invitation only, and trial lawyers become Fellows only after an extremely rigorous vetting process, which includes both peer and judicial review. The Academy seeks out Fellows who have achieved a career of excellence as shown by their skills in trial, and as demonstrated by their integrity and professionalism. Members are often heavily involved in pro bono efforts and contribute generously of their time and resources to their local communities.

The organization sent out the following news release on the day of the March for our Lives protests around the country:


Contact: Janel Fick, Executive Director

Elite legal organization backs assault weapon ban, student protests

Austin, Texas, March 24, 2018 –  The International Academy of Trial Lawyers this week adopted a resolution supporting an assault weapons ban and endorsing protests aimed at ending gun violence in communities and schools.

The Academy’s board unanimously approved the resolution March 21, citing its interest in maintaining a civil society. The resolution said:

We, as an Academy, believe all assault weapons and high capacity magazines should be banned. The Academy also gives its undisputed support for the protests going on around the United States, including the March for Our Lives events, which demand that safety become a priority and that we end gun violence in our schools and communities.

The Academy, chartered in 1954, is an organization of elite lawyers nominated and selected based on their demonstrated skill and ability in jury trials and other court proceedings. The organization promotes professional excellence, legal reforms, and integrity in the legal profession.


FL. Senate Kills Human Trafficking Survivors Lawsuit Bill

In a move that most would call a surprising, members of a Florida Senate Committee pulled a bill that would allow human trafficking survivors to sue Florida hotels and other businesses where they were sold for sex. The partnering House bill had already passed two committees and was headed to the House floor.

“This was a chance for our state leaders to take a stand against modern day slavery and they chose the hospitality lobby” says Haggard Law Firm Managing Partner Michael Haggard.

Haggard, who is the current president of the National Crime Victim’s Bar Association, added “to say this is disappointing is a vast understatement. Florida ranks as the third worst in number of human trafficking cases in our country. Studies show that the majority of trafficking victims, primarily for sexual exploitation, are abused in hotels and motels.”

The NCVBA has a long-standing commitment to civil justice for victims. As President, Haggard  plays an intricate role in advising and setting the annual agenda on what issues the organization will focus on in support of crime victims. This year Haggard has earmarked support of human trafficking victims as a primary goal.

The Orlando Sentinel reported: “…ex trafficking survivors spoke tearfully of betrayal by Florida lawmakers Friday as bills that would have allowed the hotel industry to be sued for willfully ignoring the problem came to a puzzling halt this week…”

The legislation would hold business owners liable if they “knowingly or in willful blindness” facilitate trafficking crimes.

“With or without state leadership, The Haggard Law Firm is 100% committed to using the tool of the civil justice system to hold business owners accountable for their negligence due to ignorance and those who choose to profit on trafficking by seemingly turning a blind eye to this multi-billion dollar criminal enterprise conducted on their property” says Haggard.

Multiple media outlets reported that the hospitality industry, namely The Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association and Disney,  had been lobbying hard against it behind the scenes,

“As crime victim trial attorneys we know civil court remedies will effect change on a wide scale while helping victims pick up the pieces of their life and start a new”


Article Sources

Orlando Sentinel Story: http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/politics/political-pulse/os-disney-asked-to-support-human-trafficking-bill-20180302-story.html

Brandenton herald: http://www.bradenton.com/news/politics-government/state-politics/article203049349.html

Result: $1.5 Million Settlement in Slip and Fall Wrongful Death Case


We are very proud to share that our Todd Michaels has secured a $1.5 Million dollar settlement in the slip and fall wrongful death case of Qurris Walker (pictured).

In August 2011, Walker, who suffered from Down’s Syndrome, slipped and fell on a wet floor at the Rosen Shingle Creek Hotel in Orlando. At the time of the incident, the floor was being cleaned by Rosen’s Cleaning service, Majic Cleaning Systems. As a result of the fall, Mr. Walker needed surgery to repair his leg and suffered respiratory arrest during recovery from the surgery. Nearly two years after the fall, Walker, who suffered from numerous pre-existing health issues, passed away. Both liability and causation were highly contested.

The defense argued that Majic had put down five cones in the lobby, adequately warning visitors that the floor was wet and that Mr. Walker’s death was a result of his other health issues, and was unrelated to the fall. Our thanks to the inspirational and brave Walker family for their passion to seek justice.


DBR Features $1.57 Million Verdict Earned in Car Crash Case

Today the Daily Business Review published a feature (in the online edition) on the recent $1.57 Million verdict in a personal injury car crash case. Haggard Law trial attorneys Douglas McCarron and Pedro Echarte litigated the case involving the injuries suffered by clients John Paul Souza and Anh Pham Souza that stemmed from a car crash on Miami Beach in 2014.

The article dives into the primary obstacle McCarron and Echarte managed during the trial to come to the very successful result.

The DBR article reads, in part:

Attorneys from The Haggard Law Firm secured a nearly $1.57 million verdict for a tourist involved in a car crash, despite medical scans that failed to corroborate an injury and a slew of social media photos showing the plaintiff’s extensive travel after the crash.

(the article continued)

The Souzas are avid travelers who posted photographs on social media of luxury trips to the Hamptons, Bahamas, Necker Island and other destinations. That pastime would complicate the litigation, as defense attorneys pointed to the posts as proof John Souza was unscathed after the Miami accident.

“There were a lot of pictures. [The defendants] were trying to make a big deal out of it,” McCarron said. “A lot of times in these kinds of cases, there’s a lot on social media. It’s not something to be afraid of, as long as your clients are being honest.”

Continue reading “DBR Features $1.57 Million Verdict Earned in Car Crash Case”

South Florida Media Coverage of $12M Negligent Security Verdict

On Monday The Haggard Law Firm hosted a media conference to discuss the recent $12 million verdict earned in the negligent security wrongful death case of Yaimi Guevara Machado. Joined by our brave clients, Machado’s parents and sister, our collective goal was to drive the message home to motel owners to make sure they are taking every necessary step to meet the security needs of your property to ensure the safety of your guests.

In April 2016, Guevara was killed shortly after asking the staff at the Chesapeake Motel in Hialeah Florida to help her after she was locked out of her room wearing only jeans and a bra. No help was given. Security video shows that Ronald Lopezandrade was also on the property that night. He was not a guest of the hotel but he was able to purchase alcohol, requested a prostitute, and made sexual advances on a hotel employee. Despite those red flags, he was never removed from the property. Eventually, the suspect met the victim, gained her trust, gave her his shirt, and walked her to the parking lot. They would disappear from view of the security camera. Police say Ronald Lopezandrade sexually assaulted Machado and then beat her to death.

Media Coverage

Every major TV affiliate and the two major newspapers in South Florida were among the news filed stories along with media outlets that covered (as of the date of this posting).

Miami Herald: http://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/community/miami-dade/hialeah/article188070239.html 

Nuevo Herald:

CBS Miami



ABC Miami

Telemundo Miami

Continue reading “South Florida Media Coverage of $12M Negligent Security Verdict”

National Crime Victim Bar Association’s National Conference


Next week our Pedro Echarte will be one of the featured speakers during the  2017 National Crime Victim Bar Association’s National Conference in Portland, Oregon.  The event, Civil Actions for Criminal Acts, offers attorneys a chance to network and learn from other attorneys in the field, and connect with victim advocates, counselors, program managers, attorneys, social workers, psychologists, researchers, nurses, volunteers, administrators, clergy, nonprofit managers, system-based service providers, and leaders from across the country.

main logo_victimbar

It will include:

Continue reading “National Crime Victim Bar Association’s National Conference”

Haggard to Keynote MDTLA Award Luncheon

It was just announced that The Haggard Law Firm’s Managing Partner, Michael Haggard, will be the Keynote Speaker at the Miami Dade Trial Lawyers Association’s Judge Manny Crespo Award Luncheon tomorrow (Thursday, October 12).  Judge Marcia Cooke is the recipient of this year’s Judge Manny Crespo Award which is honors a champion of the legal profession and selfless mentor.

The MDTLA released a statement saying about Haggard’s role as keynote speaker that read in part, “Among the many accolades that Mike has received from the community, clients and peers, he was recently honored by the Florida Justice Association with the Perry Nichols Award for his perseverance, commitment, and unmatched dedication to the civil justice system.  Michael truly sets the standard for the rest of his colleagues and many others to aspire AND achieve.  The buzz is that he is a great and inspiring orator; that he is!  We are grateful that he will be our Keynote speaker at tomorrow’s event.”

Continue reading “Haggard to Keynote MDTLA Award Luncheon”

Haggard Receives Perry Nichols Award


Surrounded by family, friends, members of the Haggard Law team and hundreds of the top attorneys in the State of Florida, Michael Haggard received the most prestigious honor given by the Florida Justice Association, the Perry Nichols Award. The FJA website says “The Perry Nichols Award is the highest honor the FJA bestows and gives recognition to an individual who has dedicated a lifetime to the pursuit of justice through extended and distinguished service to the cause of justice in Florida and in the nation.”

Haggard speaks to the audience after receiving Perry Nichols Award Michael Haggard with his wife Bekki Andy Haggard looks on as his son, Michael Speaks to the audience

Haggard Addresses Founders’ Awards Luncheon Guests

Continue reading “Haggard Receives Perry Nichols Award”