330 Alhambra Circle

Coral Gables, FL 33134

633 S. Andrews Avenue Suite 400
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301

(305) 446-5700

(954) 323-4400

Speak with an Attorney

Andy Haggard: Mercer Law Day Keynote Speaker


Last Friday Haggard Law Firm Senior Partner William Andrew Haggard was the Keynote Speaker at the Mercer Law School’s Law Day Celebration. Haggard was also one of the judges for the School’s Hugh Lawson Moot Court Competition which features first-year students and helps expose competitors to moot court practice and procedure before trying out for Mercer’s Nationally recognized Moot Court team.

‘Andy’ Haggard received his J.D. from Mercer Law in 1967. He is a current member of the Mercer University Board of Trustees. To learn more about Mr. Haggard click here to read his bio

The Mercer University Walter F. George School of Law is one of the oldest law schools in the country. The Woodruff Curriculum, Mercer Law School’s model curriculum, focuses on ethics and practical skills. It was honored with the Gambrell Professionalism Award from the American Bar Association for its “depth and excellence” and “obvious commitment to professionalism.”

For more information on the Law Day event Click here: http://law.mercer.edu/about/news/law-day-lawson-2017.cfm#.WNlUWfnyvct



McCarron Article on Road Construction Cases

The Daily Business Review recently included an article authored by The Haggard Law Firm’s Douglas McCarron in its Board of Contributors series.  The article: Traffic Safety: Navigating The Road Construction Cases, discusses some of the biggest challenges in litigation a road construction case and best practices to reach a successful result.

To read full article:

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St. Patrick’s Day Events, Safety and Security

On holidays like St. Patrick’s Day, bars and restaurants expecting large crowds should prepare for it with more than just an increase in service staff, food and alcohol. Those good times expected by the patrons can turn tragic if  increased safety and security measures by these businesses are not taken. From who they allow to enter their business, to who is allowed to stay, and an awareness when someone has been over served, a security and safety plan should be in place.

The Haggard Law Firm’s Managing Partner Michael Haggard says there is nothing more enjoyable than a big event or block party where a community can celebrate a holiday like St Patrick’s Day or New Years Eve.  However, the bars, shopping centers or establishments hosting these “events” have to plan for security just as they plan the event.  More people, more alcohol and more utilized space bring additional risks that can prove catastrophic in today’s sometime violent world.  Security needs must be planned, scheduled and executed in order to meet these additional risks associated with these bigger events.”


The Haggard Law Firm has litigated several Liquor/Bar Liability or ‘Dram Shop’ cases where the business owners/management neglected to take the necessary steps to keep their patrons safe.

Two Haggard Law Firm case examples:

$1.3 million – Settlement (Pensacola, Florida) – Liquor/Bar Liability
Mr. Marshall and Ms. Robinson were out for a birthday celebration. After drinking for several hours at both the Red Baron Lounge and Gene’s Lounge, both persons were asked to leave after a verbal altercation and proceeded to drive off in Ms. Robinson’s car. No effort was made by Gene’s Lounge to call a cab or make any alternate transportation arrangement. Ms. Robinson proceeded to drive off the roadway and strike a tree, partially ejecting Mr. Marshall, and leaving him a quadriplegic with both legs amputated. He was also rendered completely blind after encountering corrective surgery complications. Both Gene’s Lounge and Red Baron Lounge knew of Ms. Robinson’s alcoholism, but purposefully continued to serve her alcohol with disregard to the possible consequences of their actions. The case was settled for total policy limits.
$500,000 – Settlement (Fort Lauderdale, Florida) – Liquor/Bar Liability
Sherry Ann Trosper was habitually addicted to alcohol based on the parameters of Florida’s “dram shop” statutes. At 3:00 AM Sherry Ann Trosper, totally intoxicated, left Gaby’s Lounge and in attempting to walk across a multi-lane street, was struck by a vehicle suffering permanent injuries. Gaby’s Lounge knew or should have known that the quantity of alcohol served to Sherry Ann Trosper would render her intoxicated and incapacitated, and purposefully served her this quantity of alcohol. Gaby’s Lounge either intended to get her intoxicated, or did so with reckless disregard and conscious indifference to the consequences, so as to be the equivalent of intentional misconduct.

Michaels Guest Speaker at BCTLA Event

The Haggard Law Firm’s Todd Michaels will be the featured Guest Speaker for the upcoming Broward County Trial Lawyers Association scheduled for Tuesday, April 4th. Michaels’ topic of discussion “Trying Negligent Security Cases in Florida”.

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VIDEO: Negligent Security & Mass Shootings


Has the increased number of mass shootings and victims of these tragedies changed what should be considered adequate security for businesses and properties where large groups of people commonly gather?

Our Michael Haggard discusses the topic in our latest HLF TV installment.


Haggard Law STLA Presentation

The Haggard Law Firm’s involvement with the Southern Trial Lawyers Association was on full display this past week and over the weekend during the STLA Conference in New Orleans.

Managing Partner, Michael Haggard was a featured presenter at the conference delivering a speech on Security. Our own Christopher Marlowe, a current STLA Board Member attended board meetings and former STLA Warhorse recipient, Andy Haggard was also in attendance at this weekend’s conference.

We are looking forward to next year’s conference!


Haggard Law Article on Speedy Trials Published in DBR

Today, Daily Business Review published the Haggard Law Firm attorney Christopher Marlowe‘s article highlighting the importance of pushing for a speedy trial.



Here is the body of the article by Marlowe:

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VIDEO: The Role of Foreseeability in Negligent Security

The cornerstone of solidifying a negligent security case for a personal injury attorney is proving foreseeability of crime. Michael Haggard of the Haggard Law Firm discusses in this video.


Haggard Attorneys to Present During 2017 Workhourse Seminar

The Haggard Law Firm’s Managing Partner Michael Haggard and Partner Todd Michaels will be among the presenters at this year’s Workhorse CLE Seminar presented by the Florida Justice Association. The event will be held in Orlando between February 28th and March 3rd.

Haggard’s will deliver his presentation, Proof and Argument of Liability in “Negligent Security” Cases, during the premises liability portion of the event on  March 1st.

Michaels’ presentation, Daubert and the Non-Scientific Witness, will be given during the evening session on Tuesday, February 28th

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Background Checks: Everywhere and Nowhere


By: Christopher Marlowe, The Haggard Law Firm

The background check. Examinations of our past seem so common in every corner of our lives, that on that rare occasion where we are not asked to verify our personal information or consent to an examination of it, the transaction seems either charmingly quaint or mildly suspicious.  Our criminal history, finances, family relations, utilities, medical history, schooling or employment, to name a few, are routinely brought forth and scrutinized (or verified) as a necessary part of routine personal and business operations.


The ubiquity of the background check has fomented a public expectation that virtually every person we encounter has been screened for one thing or another.  Certainly, the priest or teacher is screened for child or sexual related offenses. The Uber driver has been thoroughly vetted for traffic offenses.  The apartment manager’s personal finances are in order, such that the proper handling of rents is not in jeopardy.

These expectations, however reasonable, are not subject to uniform regulation and even more rarely are they mandated by law.  The inconsistent handling of sex offender regulations helps highlight our misperception of the efficacy and regularity of background checks.  Society considers itself tough on sex offenders, and lawmakers fashion themselves as protectors of the children and those most vulnerable.  Florida Statute 948.30 is a good example.  If a sex crime victim was under the age of 18, the offender cannot work for pay “or as a volunteer at any place where children regularly congregate, including, but not limited to, schools, child care facilities, parks, playgrounds, pet stores, libraries, zoos, theme parks, and malls.”

Continue reading “Background Checks: Everywhere and Nowhere”