330 Alhambra Circle

Coral Gables, FL 33134

633 S. Andrews Avenue Suite 400
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301

(305) 446-5700

(954) 323-4400

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Florida Court Affirms $13 Million Verdict in Wrongful Death Product Liability Case

The Florida Third District Court of Appeals has upheld a $13 million verdict in a wrongful death product liability case litigated by The Haggard Law Firm, led by attorneys Pedro Echarte and Todd Michaels, along with co-counsel Ernesto Santos of HALPERN | SANTOS | PINKERT, and Haggard Law appellate attorney Jim Blecke. This decision, which stems from a verdict in Miami-Dade County Court in July 2023, involves the carbon monoxide poisoning death of Matthew Burns, a beloved father of two, resulting from his use of a piece of equipment he rented from Sunbelt Rentals, Inc. 

Court’s Decision on Expert Testimony

The court’s ruling addressed the defendant’s objections regarding the testimony of two plaintiff’s experts under the Daubert standard, as well as the claim that one of the Estate’s experts provided “surprise” testimony. Sunbelt Rentals, the defendant in the case, argued that excluding this expert testimony would have left the record insufficient to support the jury’s verdict and requested an entire dismissal of the case. The appellate court rejected these arguments and affirmed the jury’s decision, ensuring justice for the Burns family (click below to read the court opinion). 

The Tragic Incident and Preventable Death

On July 12, 2019, Matthew Burns tragically lost his life due to carbon monoxide poisoning while operating a “Shot Blaster” machine, which he had rented from Sunbelt Rentals. Attorneys Echarte, Michaels, and Santos argued that Sunbelt Rentals was negligent in renting out the equipment without the necessary safety equipment, including a carbon monoxide monitor, and failing to warn Mr. Burns of the need for such equipment. Sunbelt was aware that the machine would be used in indoor or partially enclosed environments, putting operators like Mr. Burns at serious risk for carbon monoxide poisoning. The legal team further highlighted that Sunbelt Rentals failed to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and warnings in the machine’s manual. As per the manufacturer’s safety guidelines, Sunbelt should have informed Mr. Burns to use a portable carbon monoxide monitor and ensure he received proper training before operating the machine. 

Matthew Burns’ Family’s Heartbreaking Loss

Matthew Burns left behind his wife and their twin children. Through their dedicated legal work, The Haggard Law Firm has ensured that the Burns family received justice for their devastating loss and highlighted the urgent need for better safety standards in the rental equipment industry. 

Experienced Attorneys in Complex Product Liability Cases

The Haggard Law Firm has a proven track record in handling some of the most complex product liability cases nationwide. Our team has represented families affected by dangerous products ranging from faulty theme park rides to defective boating equipment, unsafe sports gear, and hazardous pool drains. We are committed to helping victims of product failures seek justice and compensation for their losses.

Contact The Haggard Law Firm’s Trial Lawyers

Michaels Reelected to FJA Leadership

Congratulations to The Haggard Law Firm‘s Todd Michael for his recent reelection to the Florida Justice Association Executive Committee. The vote was cast during the FJA’s annual convention which is currently underway in St. Pete Beach. This will be Michaels 3rd term on the Committee.

To learn more about Todd Michaels, Click Here

Connect with Todd Michaels on Linkedin, Click Here


About the Florida Justice Association

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Each Haggard Law Attorney Named 2017 Super Lawyer

Each Haggard Law Firm attorney was named to the 2017 Super Lawyer list.

“Andy” Haggard, Michael Haggard, Douglas McCarron, Todd Michaels and Christopher Marlowe were named Super Lawyers in the Personal Injury General: Plaintiff category. Attorney James Blecke was recognized in the Appellate category. While, attorneys Pedro Echarte and Jason Brenner were selected as 2017 Super Lawyers Rising Stars in the Personal Injury General: Plaintiff category.

This distinction is an honor reserved for those lawyers who exhibit excellence in practice. Only 5% of attorneys in Florida receive this recognition and only 2.5% are named Rising Stars. Super Lawyers selects attorneys using a patented multiphase selection process. Peer nominations and evaluations are combined with independent research. Each candidate is evaluated on 12 indicators of peer recognition and professional achievement. Selections are made on an annual, state-by-state basis.


To learn more about each Haggard Law Attorney, visit our bio page here



Pool Safely Progam safety tips

Memorial Day weekend is the traditional start, nationally, to the summer swim season. The Haggard Law Firm is committed to sharing any and all information we can to help keep everyone safe in and around bodies of water.

A new report by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) shows the number of reported fatal child drownings in swimming pools involving children younger than 5—the most vulnerable population—has decreased 17 percent nationwide since 2010. Despite the decrease, fatal and non-fatal child drownings in pools and spas continue to pose a public health challenge across the United States.

Drowning remains the number 1 cause of death among children under the age of 5 in Florida. Parents and caregivers are reminded to follow

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Swim Safety: Broken Pool Gates

May is National Swim Safety Month. The Haggard Law Firm wants to take this opportunity to share swimming safety tips, including those we have unfortunately have become experts on because of catastrophic injury cases we have litigated over the years. One example is the 2001 case of Loren Hinton. A 2-year old that suffered a significant brain injury when she fell into a residential complex pool after pushing over a broken safety gate.

This video details that case and includes safety factors to consider to make sure a tragedy like this does not happen again.

Click for more on Haggard Law Firm Pool Drowning Accidents

Understand Survivors and the Catastrophically Injured

Today’s issue of the Daily Business Review includes a Board of Contributors article authored by The Haggard law Firm‘s Jason Brenner. The article, Understanding Your Client: Survivors and the Catastrophically Injured, discusses the challenges to successfully representing and emotionally supporting during the civil litigation process the tragically injured or loved ones of someone who has died.

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Final Seats Available for Premises Liability Seminar

Tomorrow the Haggard Law Firm will host a Premises Liability Seminar. As of this post, there are only 5 seats remaining.

This interactive and highly demonstrative FREE half-day legal seminar will show attorneys the latest trends and cutting edge strategies involved in litigating various premises liability cases.  Case genres will include negligent security, drowning and entrapment and road construction accidents. Attendees will also hear from a leading Jury Consultant on Jury Selection.

This is a CLE Credit Seminar. Please RSVP with Susie Acosta, sacosta@haggadlawfirm.com or call 305.446.5700


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Agenda Released for Premises Liability Seminar

The agenda has been released for the April 27th Premises Liability Seminar hosted by The Haggard Law Firm.
This interactive and highly demonstrative FREE half-day legal seminar will show attorneys the latest trends and cutting edge strategies involved in litigating various premises liability cases.  Case
genres will include negligent security, drowning and entrapment and road construction accidents. Attendees will also hear from a leading Jury Consultant on Jury Selection.
This is a CLE Credit Seminar. Space is limited. Please RSVP with Susie Acosta, sacosta@haggadlawfirm.com or call 305.446.5700

Haggard Law Article on Speedy Trials Published in DBR

Today, Daily Business Review published the Haggard Law Firm attorney Christopher Marlowe‘s article highlighting the importance of pushing for a speedy trial.



Here is the body of the article by Marlowe:

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Background Checks: Everywhere and Nowhere


By: Christopher Marlowe, The Haggard Law Firm

The background check. Examinations of our past seem so common in every corner of our lives, that on that rare occasion where we are not asked to verify our personal information or consent to an examination of it, the transaction seems either charmingly quaint or mildly suspicious.  Our criminal history, finances, family relations, utilities, medical history, schooling or employment, to name a few, are routinely brought forth and scrutinized (or verified) as a necessary part of routine personal and business operations.


The ubiquity of the background check has fomented a public expectation that virtually every person we encounter has been screened for one thing or another.  Certainly, the priest or teacher is screened for child or sexual related offenses. The Uber driver has been thoroughly vetted for traffic offenses.  The apartment manager’s personal finances are in order, such that the proper handling of rents is not in jeopardy.

These expectations, however reasonable, are not subject to uniform regulation and even more rarely are they mandated by law.  The inconsistent handling of sex offender regulations helps highlight our misperception of the efficacy and regularity of background checks.  Society considers itself tough on sex offenders, and lawmakers fashion themselves as protectors of the children and those most vulnerable.  Florida Statute 948.30 is a good example.  If a sex crime victim was under the age of 18, the offender cannot work for pay “or as a volunteer at any place where children regularly congregate, including, but not limited to, schools, child care facilities, parks, playgrounds, pet stores, libraries, zoos, theme parks, and malls.”

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