A statement on the guilty plea by the Parkland Mass Shooter
Stoneman Douglas High School mass shooting brings some peace to the families, friends, and our community impacted by the tragedy on Valentine’s Day 2018. This killer, and any person or entity that contributed to this tragedy by inaction or negligence, should suffer the maximum consequences allowable by the law.
The Haggard Law Firm will continue to support our clients the Olivers, Beigel Schulmans, and Lippel families as they press forward with their lives and passionate advocacy efforts. The epidemic of gun violence and mass shootings must be stopped.
While today’s hearing focused on the shooter, the names that truly matter are those of the 17 killed and 17 injured on what was supposed to be a normal school day.”
Michael Haggard on behalf of the entire Haggard Law Firm
Pictured: (Left to Right) Haggard Law Trial Lawyers Todd Michael and Michael Haggard and the parents of 17 year old Parkland shooting victim Joaquin Oliver and Patricia Oliver (picture from 2018).
The Haggard Law Firm’s Douglas McCarron has obtained a $1.3 Million settlement in a wrongful death negligent security case involving the murder of a young father in the Ft. Myers apartment complex where he lived.
On October 6, 2016, at approximately 6 p.m., Geraldo Olvera was walking through the common area of the Cypress Court Apartments when an unidentified person shot and killed him. Olvera was a resident there.
The Haggard Law Firm’s Douglas McCarron and co-counsel Jeffrey Berman of the Berman Law Firm have obtained a $1.4 Million settlement in a Negligent Security case where the victim suffered a catastrophic injury after he was shot at a gas station. Per the settlement agreement, some details of the case are confidential.
On October 12th, 2017 at approximately 11:00 p.m., John Doe (The Haggard Law Firm’s client) went to a high school football game with his cousin and a friend. Toward the end of the game, John Doe decided to leave a couple of minutes early so that they could beat the traffic. After pulling out of the parking lot, John Doe traveled north and stopped at the nearby gas station.
The Haggard Law Firm’s Todd Michaels, Shelby Walton, and James Blecke earned a $1.32 Million verdict in the negligent security/personal injury case involving Wiley Lowe.
From left to right: Haggard Law’s James Blecke, Shelby Walton, Todd Michaels with client Wiley Lowe
On January 31, 2016, Lowe was a guest at the Elysium Hotel in Ft Lauderdale. Elysium was part of a larger group of hotels known as North Beach Hotels. The hotels were comprised of 15 separate hotels over a 1.5-mile square area.
The Haggard Law Firm’s Todd Michaels has obtained a $1.6 million settlement in a confidential wrongful death negligent security case.
The decedent was a talented and good-natured 19-year-old who enjoyed an exceptionally close relationship with his mother. Michaels says this case was a peculiar, difficult, and incredibly tragic case. “What made this case uniquely challenging is that the victim was shot accidentally by a childhood friend.”
The Haggard Law Firm’s Michael Haggard and Adam Finkel have obtained a $1 Million pre-suit settlement in a negligent security wrongful death case against a gas station operator.
On July 15, 2020, just before midnight 20-year-old Zion Lamar was shot and killed at a Solo gas station in Pompano Beach. Zion lived nearby with his girlfriend and was sent to purchase snacks but never returned home.
Precisely what transpired is unknown as the owner of the gas station did not install functioning surveillance cameras, nor did the clerk respond to audible commotion occurring on the property. Although there is a cell phone video of Zion writhing on the ground, he died shortly thereafter and there is no known eyewitness testimony. It is believed that an altercation occurred outside involving several people, during which Zion was shot.
This settlement was reached after The Haggard Law Firm presented its position regarding the clear liability in this case and the damages associated with the death of a young man. While the defense could not contest the staggering history of daily drug dealing, public intoxication, and violence at the gas station, the defense contested the Plaintiff’s description of the damages in the case.
Miami, FL – The Haggard Law Firm’s Michael Haggard and Adam Finkel have obtained a $5 Million pre-suit settlement in a negligent security case involving the catastrophic injury suffered by a father of four who was with his children when he was shot outside his home.
On December 20, 2019, 33-year old Paul Barry-Austin returned home from a long day of work. It was a nice day so his wife was enjoying the weather outside with their children. The day drastically turned when she noticed a few unknown men roaming the Alhambra Cove Apartment complex’s parking lot. She noticed the men more than once, roaming suspiciously, and expressed concern to Paul. Worried for the safety of his family and aware that the property owners and managers did nothing to prevent or curtail the many burglaries, car thefts, and assaults on the property, Paul walked through the parking lot to make sure the men were not near his home. Soon after, Paul’s wife heard gunshots, and Paul was found lying in the parking lot in a puddle of blood. He had been shot in the back—likely by the very criminals that roamed the property.
The Haggard Law Firm’s Adam Finkel and Michael Haggard held a press conference to announce the $5.5 Million settlement with Spitzer Autoworld in the wrongful death case of 3-year-old Anthony Rojo De Leon.
The child was killed on Valentine’s Day when the General Manager of the dealership recklessly drove a vehicle off the road.
The Haggard Law Firm’s Adam Finkel and Michael Haggard have obtained settlements totaling $1,450,000.00 in three negligent security cases involving three victims who were seriously injured in two separate shootings. Both incidents occurred at the same Duval County (FL) apartment complex.
Managing Partner Michael Haggard
On April 15, 2018, a nineteen-year-old man left his apartment in the early morning to pick up his basketball sneakers from his cousin. When walking back to his apartment, an unknown male shot him from behind. The shooting victim (Plaintiff) was rushed to the hospital and underwent immediate surgery.
Trial lawyer Adam Finkel
December 15, 2018, at the same complex, John Doe (Plaintiff) was returning to the apartment complex to drop off his minor son and nephew at his mother’s home when a vehicle entered the complex, undeterred, and unchecked. Someone exited the vehicle and shot John Doe in the chest as he approached his mother’s front door. His niece (Plaintiff), a minor, was standing at the door and was also struck by a bullet.
Per the terms of the settlements, the names of the victims and the defendant are confidential.
The Haggard Law Firm’s Todd Michaels and Michael Haggard have earned a $1 Million policy limit settlement in wrongful death negligent security case of 30-year-old Omarie Stephens was shot and killed at the Lauderhill Mall on Easter Day of 2018.
After spending Easter morning with his family, he went to a car show in a park with his brother and friends. After the show, he went to a restaurant located in Lauderhill Mall to eat. When Omarie and his group arrived at the mall there was a large party going on in the parking lot. The car show had relocated to the mall, which was closed (except for a few tenants including the restaurant).
Video surveillance showed thousands of cars and people in the mall parking lot. Evidence also showed that people were drinking alcohol and doing drugs. The mall’s parking lot had basically turned into an open-air unsupervised night club.
Screen Shot from security video of the Lauderhill Mall Parking lot the night Mr. Stephens was shot and killed
The Mall had retained State Security to provide security. After the mall closed (other than the few late-night tenants) security was supposed to perform constant patrols in the lot and remove trespassers immediately. The evidence clearly showed that over a period of hours, revelers descended on the property, and security was nowhere to be found. They made no attempt to remove people from the property or to contact the police as they were ordered.
In a deposition, the security guard claimed that he encountered a police officer on the property and asked him for help as justification for why he decided not to call police. Police records and the surveillance video disapprove this. After being confronted with the evidence, the security guard admitted he had not come to the front of the mall during the three hour period that people were gathering at the property.
During the gathering, two men got into a fight leading to gunshots. Mr. Stevens, and innocent bystander, was shot and killed. Stephens survived by two minor daughters.