330 Alhambra Circle

Coral Gables, FL 33134

633 S. Andrews Avenue Suite 400
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301

(305) 446-5700

(954) 323-4400

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$2.8 Million Settlement for Victim Hit By Car Following Fight at Billiard Hall

The Haggard Law Firm’s Douglas McCarron has obtained a $2.8 Million settlement in a negligent security catastrophic injury case against a billiards hall and shopping center.

As part of the terms of the settlement, the names of the parties involved must remain publicly confidential.

The victim, John Doe, was a customer at a billiards hall at the defendant’s shopping center. On the night of the incident, John Doe observed a man getting physical with his waitress.  Mr. Doe followed the man and waitress outside and asked the man to calm down. The man struck Mr. Doe in the head and a fight ensued.  Bouncers from the hall broke up the altercation within seconds and instructed the other man the leave.  Mr. Doe went back inside. 

Approximately 15 minutes later, Mr. Doe walked outside to wait for a taxi. Unbeknownst to Mr. Doe, the other man remained in the parking lot and was waiting. The other man pulled his truck out of its parking space and started to drive in the victim’s direction. As the truck got closer to Mr. Doe, the man accelerated and drove straight into Mr. Doe.  As a result of the impact, Mr. Doe was airlifted to the hospital where he was diagnosed with a de-gloving injury and an open proximal tibia shaft fracture.  A few days later, the decision was made to perform an above-knee amputation of Mr. Doe’s leg. 

Mr. Doe brought a negligent security case against the billiards hall and the shopping center owner for failing to provide security for its parking lot.  For years, the billiards hall had many issues with violence that often spilled out into the parking lot.  Despite multiple events, there was no manned security in the parking lot.  Instead, there were only bouncers focused on the inside of the business. 

The case settled for the billiard hall’s $300,000 policy limit and $2.5 million from the shopping center owner.

Attorney Douglas McCarron Photo
The Haggard Law Firm’s Douglas McCarron

$1.75 Million Settlement in Duval County Negligent Security Case

The Haggard Law Firm’s Douglas McCarron has obtained a $1.75 Million settlement in a negligent security case involving the murder of a teenager at a Duval County, Florida apartment complex. Per terms of the settlement, the names of the plaintiff, defendants, and defense attorneys cannot be released. 

On January 31st, 2019 at approximately 8:00 p.m., John Doe (the Plaintiff) and a friend arrived at ABC Apartment Complex (the Defendant) to make a quick stop to visit a friend on his birthday.  Doe was with his friend in the parking lot of the complex when the friend went to meet another person in the courtyard of the property.  After a few minutes, Doe walked toward the courtyard when multiple shots rang out.  The victim was struck in the head and rushed to Memorial Hospital where he later died of his injuries.  To date, no arrests have been made and there is no indication from law enforcement that suspects have been developed.

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$2 Million Settlement in Negligent Security Case Against Security Company

29-Year-Old Kemoze Chambers was killed at an Orlando-area apartment complex

The Haggard Law Firm’s Adam Finkel and Michael Haggard have obtained a $ 2 Million policy limit settlement in a negligent security wrongful death case in central Florida.

Late in the evening of August 23, 2019, 29-year-old Kemoze Chambers was inside his apartment, in Orlando, Florida when an unknown person(s) broke inside and murdered him.

The Defendant in this case Asset Overwatch Services, was contracted to provide private security services to the apartment complex where Kemoze lived. Boasting as a premier private security firm in Florida, Asset Overwatch provided vehicle patrols during its nightly security duties and provided the property owners and managers with nightly shift reports detailing their observations and actions taken.

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$2.35 Million Settlement in Drowning Case Involving Infant

The Haggard Law Firm’s Michael Haggard and Adam Finkel obtained a $2.35 Million settlement in a case involving an infant child who drowned in a pond. Specific details of the case are confidential.

The infant child was under his mother’s care when he walked out of the opened front door of his apartment and walked to the back of the property towards a retention pond. Eventually, the infant boy entered the pond and drowned.

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$1.3 Million Settlement in Ft. Myers Wrongful Death Negligent Security Case

The Haggard Law Firm's Douglas McCarron

The Haggard Law Firm’s Douglas McCarron has obtained a $1.3 Million settlement in a wrongful death negligent security case involving the murder of a young father in the Ft. Myers apartment complex where he lived.

On October 6, 2016, at approximately 6 p.m., Geraldo Olvera was walking through the common area of the Cypress Court Apartments when an unidentified person shot and killed him. Olvera was a resident there.

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$11.95 Million Settlement in a Drowning/Wrongful Death Case

The Haggard Law Firm’s Michael Haggard and Adam Finkel, along with co-counsel Julie Hager, have obtained a nearly $12 Million settlement in a drowning case involving a child who made his way through a broken pool gate and into a community pool.

During the morning of August 24, 2019, Mohamed Salim, a resident of the Arbor Keys Condominiums in Tamarac, Florida, dropped off his minivan with a neighbor, so that it could be washed. Later that afternoon, Mohammed, along with his four and six-year-old sons, walked across the parking lot to check on the status of the van. As the van was not ready, Mohamed sent his sons to the nearby playground, while he waited for his van to be finished. At least 13 minutes later, Mohamed heard screams, as it had turned out that his boys left the playground and made entered the community pool. They did this without Mohamed’s knowledge, and while he was monitoring his van.

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$1.4 Million Settlement in Gas Station Negligent Security Case

The Haggard Law Firm’s Douglas McCarron and co-counsel Jeffrey Berman of the Berman Law Firm have obtained a $1.4 Million settlement in a Negligent Security case where the victim suffered a catastrophic injury after he was shot at a gas station. Per the settlement agreement, some details of the case are confidential.

On October 12th, 2017 at approximately 11:00 p.m., John Doe (The Haggard Law Firm’s client) went to a high school football game with his cousin and a friend.  Toward the end of the game, John Doe decided to leave a couple of minutes early so that they could beat the traffic.  After pulling out of the parking lot, John Doe traveled north and stopped at the nearby gas station.

Attorney Douglas McCarron Photo
The Haggard Law Firm’s Douglas McCarron
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$1.32 Million Verdict for Injured Model

The Haggard Law Firm’s Todd Michaels, Shelby Walton, and James Blecke earned a $1.32 Million verdict in the negligent security/personal injury case involving Wiley Lowe.

From left to right: Haggard Law’s James Blecke, Shelby Walton, Todd Michaels with client Wiley Lowe

On January 31, 2016, Lowe was a guest at the Elysium Hotel in Ft Lauderdale. Elysium was part of a larger group of hotels known as North Beach Hotels. The hotels were comprised of 15 separate hotels over a 1.5-mile square area.

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Settlement in Haggard Law Firm Trucking Crash Injury Case

The Haggard Law Firm’s Douglas McCarron has obtained a $675,000 settlement in a trucking crash case in Miami-Dade County involving a tractor-trailer and an automobile.

On October 15th, 2020, The Haggard Law Firm’s client, Adrian Huet, exited State Road 826 onto the NW 25th Street ramp and came to a stop at the red light.  Mr. Huet was positioned in the inner left turn lane.  After the left turn signal turned green, Mr. Huet proceeded into the intersection to go west on NW 25th Street.  As Mr. Huet traversed the intersection, JTL Transport driver Jose Abalo-Borrell, who was travelling east on NW 25 Street, ran the red light and caused a violent collision.

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$1 Million Pre-Suit Settlement in Gas Station Murder Case

The Haggard Law Firm’s Michael Haggard and Adam Finkel have obtained a $1 Million pre-suit settlement in a negligent security wrongful death case against a gas station operator.

On July 15, 2020, just before midnight 20-year-old Zion Lamar was shot and killed at a Solo gas station in Pompano Beach. Zion lived nearby with his girlfriend and was sent to purchase snacks but never returned home.

Precisely what transpired is unknown as the owner of the gas station did not install functioning surveillance cameras, nor did the clerk respond to audible commotion occurring on the property. Although there is a cell phone video of Zion writhing on the ground, he died shortly thereafter and there is no known eyewitness testimony. It is believed that an altercation occurred outside involving several people, during which Zion was shot.

This settlement was reached after The Haggard Law Firm presented its position regarding the clear liability in this case and the damages associated with the death of a young man. While the defense could not contest the staggering history of daily drug dealing, public intoxication, and violence at the gas station, the defense contested the Plaintiff’s description of the damages in the case.

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