330 Alhambra Circle

Coral Gables, FL 33134

633 S. Andrews Avenue Suite 400
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301

(305) 446-5700

(954) 323-4400

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$2 Million Negligent Security Wrongful Death Settlement – Florida

The Haggard Law Firm’s Douglas McCarron has secured a $2 Million policy limit settlement in a wrongful death negligent security case involving a shooting a gas station.

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$2 Million Policy Limit Settlement in Catastrophic Injury Case

The Haggard Law Firm’s Douglas McCarron has obtained a $2 Million policy limit settlement in a catastrophic injury negligent security case.

Attorney Douglas McCarron Photo
Attorney Douglas McCarron
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$2.8 Million Settlement for Victim Hit By Car Following Fight at Billiard Hall

The Haggard Law Firm’s Douglas McCarron has obtained a $2.8 Million settlement in a negligent security catastrophic injury case against a billiards hall and shopping center.

As part of the terms of the settlement, the names of the parties involved must remain publicly confidential.

The victim, John Doe, was a customer at a billiards hall at the defendant’s shopping center. On the night of the incident, John Doe observed a man getting physical with his waitress.  Mr. Doe followed the man and waitress outside and asked the man to calm down. The man struck Mr. Doe in the head and a fight ensued.  Bouncers from the hall broke up the altercation within seconds and instructed the other man the leave.  Mr. Doe went back inside. 

Approximately 15 minutes later, Mr. Doe walked outside to wait for a taxi. Unbeknownst to Mr. Doe, the other man remained in the parking lot and was waiting. The other man pulled his truck out of its parking space and started to drive in the victim’s direction. As the truck got closer to Mr. Doe, the man accelerated and drove straight into Mr. Doe.  As a result of the impact, Mr. Doe was airlifted to the hospital where he was diagnosed with a de-gloving injury and an open proximal tibia shaft fracture.  A few days later, the decision was made to perform an above-knee amputation of Mr. Doe’s leg. 

Mr. Doe brought a negligent security case against the billiards hall and the shopping center owner for failing to provide security for its parking lot.  For years, the billiards hall had many issues with violence that often spilled out into the parking lot.  Despite multiple events, there was no manned security in the parking lot.  Instead, there were only bouncers focused on the inside of the business. 

The case settled for the billiard hall’s $300,000 policy limit and $2.5 million from the shopping center owner.

Attorney Douglas McCarron Photo
The Haggard Law Firm’s Douglas McCarron

$1.75 Million Settlement in Duval County Negligent Security Case

The Haggard Law Firm’s Douglas McCarron has obtained a $1.75 Million settlement in a negligent security case involving the murder of a teenager at a Duval County, Florida apartment complex. Per terms of the settlement, the names of the plaintiff, defendants, and defense attorneys cannot be released. 

On January 31st, 2019 at approximately 8:00 p.m., John Doe (the Plaintiff) and a friend arrived at ABC Apartment Complex (the Defendant) to make a quick stop to visit a friend on his birthday.  Doe was with his friend in the parking lot of the complex when the friend went to meet another person in the courtyard of the property.  After a few minutes, Doe walked toward the courtyard when multiple shots rang out.  The victim was struck in the head and rushed to Memorial Hospital where he later died of his injuries.  To date, no arrests have been made and there is no indication from law enforcement that suspects have been developed.

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$1.3 Million Settlement in Ft. Myers Wrongful Death Negligent Security Case

The Haggard Law Firm's Douglas McCarron

The Haggard Law Firm’s Douglas McCarron has obtained a $1.3 Million settlement in a wrongful death negligent security case involving the murder of a young father in the Ft. Myers apartment complex where he lived.

On October 6, 2016, at approximately 6 p.m., Geraldo Olvera was walking through the common area of the Cypress Court Apartments when an unidentified person shot and killed him. Olvera was a resident there.

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$1.4 Million Settlement in Gas Station Negligent Security Case

The Haggard Law Firm’s Douglas McCarron and co-counsel Jeffrey Berman of the Berman Law Firm have obtained a $1.4 Million settlement in a Negligent Security case where the victim suffered a catastrophic injury after he was shot at a gas station. Per the settlement agreement, some details of the case are confidential.

On October 12th, 2017 at approximately 11:00 p.m., John Doe (The Haggard Law Firm’s client) went to a high school football game with his cousin and a friend.  Toward the end of the game, John Doe decided to leave a couple of minutes early so that they could beat the traffic.  After pulling out of the parking lot, John Doe traveled north and stopped at the nearby gas station.

Attorney Douglas McCarron Photo
The Haggard Law Firm’s Douglas McCarron
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$1 Million Pre-Suit Settlement in Trucking Crash Injury Case

The Haggard Law Firm’s Douglas McCarron, along with co-counsel Jorge Rodriguez of the Law Office of Jorge A. Rodriguez, has obtained a $1 Million pre-suit settlement in a trucking crash case involving a critically injured pedestrian.

On March 5th, 2020, Masguel Machado, a driver for DHC Trucking, was stopped at the traffic signal located at the intersection of NW 17th Avenue and NW 18th Street in Miami, Florida.  The intersection is located in a highly traversed area that has a number of businesses surrounding it.  Pedestrians crossing the street to and from these businesses is common. 

Shortly before the incident, Haggard Law client Manuel Anduray attempted to cross the street from the west side of NW 17th Avenue.  This intersection had a crosswalk at the intersection, but no “Walk/Do not Walk” signals.

While the 63-year-old was crossing, the traffic signal changed from red to green.  Moments later Machado ran him over causing Anduray catastrophic injuries to his leg, spine, arm, and head. 

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$1.7 Million Settlement – Trip and Fall Injury Case

The Haggard Law Firm’s Douglas McCarron has obtained a $1.7 million settlement for a woman injured in a trip and fall at a department store.

Some details of the case have been withheld due to terms of confidentiality.

Jane Doe was shopping in…

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Navigating the Road Construction Case


On August 16th, 2018 The Haggard Law Firm will present Winning Case Strategies in Premises Liability, FREE CLE Credit Seminar. The event will take place from 1 to 5pm at the Doubletree Jacksonville Riverfront. To RSVP for the seminar, email of call Stacy at slaffere@haggardlawfirm.com   305.446.5700 

Among the topics to be discussed, road construction cases. That portion of the seminar will be lead by Haggard Law Trial Lawyer Douglas McCarron, who wrote the following article on the topic which was originally published in the Daily Business Review.

Navigating The Road Construction Case

Article by, Douglas McCarron, The Haggard Law Firm.

In today’s day and age, road construction is everywhere. It causes frustration and traffic jams throughout South Florida. More importantly, the road construction causes confusion for motorists on how they are to traverse a construction zone.

When analyzing an auto case, it is extremely important to determine if road construction played a hand in the accident. Investigating and taking photographs and video of the scene is crucial. Road construction projects change on a daily basis, so it is imperative to get photographs/video of the scene as soon as practicable.

Depending on the severity of the accident and the injuries involved, the police may document the scene. Many times, even in smaller accidents, construction personnel take photographs or otherwise document the scene. Nevertheless, it is critical that no stone go unturned in trying to locate photographs and video of the accident site. Look for red-light cameras and business surveillance equipment in the area of an accident and make sure to send subpoenas or spoliation letters.

Generally, road construction projects are funded by either the state or county government. As such, the project plans and documentation are public records. Within the plans, you will find a plethora of information such as the identity of the general contractor, the subcontractors, the construction engineering and inspection firm and the daily progress reports. Most importantly, the documents will enable you to identify the entity that was responsible for the maintenance of traffic , or MOTs, for the project.

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Haggard Law Earns $1.57 Million Verdict in Car Crash Case


Miami, FL (October 30, 2017) – Late Friday night, following a 5-day civil court trial, a Miami-Dade jury awarded John Souza nearly $1.57 million. The trial stemmed from a lawsuit Souza, an Atlanta resident, filed after suffering injuries to his spine following a car  Pictures of Souza Crash 2accident on October 20, 2014. Souza and his wife, Anh, were traveling north on Biscayne Boulevard when another driver violated the right-of-way and collided into their car just off NW 35th Street.

The defendants, CH Global Construction who owned the vehicle, admitted the crash was their fault but also said the Souza was traveling too fast for the conditions. Souza, who was in town for a fitness competition, did not seek medical attention until he went back home to Atlanta the next day.

(Click to see other case results)

Haggard Client Injuries, Trial Challenges

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