330 Alhambra Circle

Coral Gables, FL 33134

633 S. Andrews Avenue Suite 400
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301

(305) 446-5700

(954) 323-4400

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$1.4 Million Settlement in Gas Station Negligent Security Case

The Haggard Law Firm’s Douglas McCarron and co-counsel Jeffrey Berman of the Berman Law Firm have obtained a $1.4 Million settlement in a Negligent Security case where the victim suffered a catastrophic injury after he was shot at a gas station. Per the settlement agreement, some details of the case are confidential.

On October 12th, 2017 at approximately 11:00 p.m., John Doe (The Haggard Law Firm’s client) went to a high school football game with his cousin and a friend.  Toward the end of the game, John Doe decided to leave a couple of minutes early so that they could beat the traffic.  After pulling out of the parking lot, John Doe traveled north and stopped at the nearby gas station.

Attorney Douglas McCarron Photo
The Haggard Law Firm’s Douglas McCarron
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Settlement in Haggard Law Firm Trucking Crash Injury Case

The Haggard Law Firm’s Douglas McCarron has obtained a $675,000 settlement in a trucking crash case in Miami-Dade County involving a tractor-trailer and an automobile.

On October 15th, 2020, The Haggard Law Firm’s client, Adrian Huet, exited State Road 826 onto the NW 25th Street ramp and came to a stop at the red light.  Mr. Huet was positioned in the inner left turn lane.  After the left turn signal turned green, Mr. Huet proceeded into the intersection to go west on NW 25th Street.  As Mr. Huet traversed the intersection, JTL Transport driver Jose Abalo-Borrell, who was travelling east on NW 25 Street, ran the red light and caused a violent collision.

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$1 Million Pre-Suit Settlement in Trucking Crash Injury Case

The Haggard Law Firm’s Douglas McCarron, along with co-counsel Jorge Rodriguez of the Law Office of Jorge A. Rodriguez, has obtained a $1 Million pre-suit settlement in a trucking crash case involving a critically injured pedestrian.

On March 5th, 2020, Masguel Machado, a driver for DHC Trucking, was stopped at the traffic signal located at the intersection of NW 17th Avenue and NW 18th Street in Miami, Florida.  The intersection is located in a highly traversed area that has a number of businesses surrounding it.  Pedestrians crossing the street to and from these businesses is common. 

Shortly before the incident, Haggard Law client Manuel Anduray attempted to cross the street from the west side of NW 17th Avenue.  This intersection had a crosswalk at the intersection, but no “Walk/Do not Walk” signals.

While the 63-year-old was crossing, the traffic signal changed from red to green.  Moments later Machado ran him over causing Anduray catastrophic injuries to his leg, spine, arm, and head. 

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JUST IN: $10 Million Settlement in Negligent Security Case

The Haggard Law Firm’s Douglas McCarron has secured a $10 Million settlement in a negligent security case. Several details of the case are confidential per terms of the settlement.

The Haggard Law Firm’s client was driving through the apartment complex on his way to meet a friend. As John Doe drove he heard shots, a bullet pierced through the trunk of his car and struck him in his lower back. Doe immediately lost sensation in his lower extremities, and he was unable to control or stop his vehicle before it crashed into parked cars in the parking lot.

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DBR Features $1.57 Million Verdict Earned in Car Crash Case

Today the Daily Business Review published a feature (in the online edition) on the recent $1.57 Million verdict in a personal injury car crash case. Haggard Law trial attorneys Douglas McCarron and Pedro Echarte litigated the case involving the injuries suffered by clients John Paul Souza and Anh Pham Souza that stemmed from a car crash on Miami Beach in 2014.

The article dives into the primary obstacle McCarron and Echarte managed during the trial to come to the very successful result.

The DBR article reads, in part:

Attorneys from The Haggard Law Firm secured a nearly $1.57 million verdict for a tourist involved in a car crash, despite medical scans that failed to corroborate an injury and a slew of social media photos showing the plaintiff’s extensive travel after the crash.

(the article continued)

The Souzas are avid travelers who posted photographs on social media of luxury trips to the Hamptons, Bahamas, Necker Island and other destinations. That pastime would complicate the litigation, as defense attorneys pointed to the posts as proof John Souza was unscathed after the Miami accident.

“There were a lot of pictures. [The defendants] were trying to make a big deal out of it,” McCarron said. “A lot of times in these kinds of cases, there’s a lot on social media. It’s not something to be afraid of, as long as your clients are being honest.”

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McCarron Article on Road Construction Cases

The Daily Business Review recently included an article authored by The Haggard Law Firm’s Douglas McCarron in its Board of Contributors series.  The article: Traffic Safety: Navigating The Road Construction Cases, discusses some of the biggest challenges in litigation a road construction case and best practices to reach a successful result.

To read full article:

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Haggard Law Firm CLE Event

On Thursday, April 27TH, The Haggard Law Firm will host Winning Case Strategies in Premises LiabilityThe free seminar, for CLE Credit, will be held at the Hyatt in Coral Gables, Florida.

Please RSVP by contacting Susie Acosta at 305.446.5700 or emailing sacosta@haggardlawfirm.com by April 20th. There is limited space available.

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